Our Services:
Development of a user-friendly digital archive of your collection that can be enjoyed on your personal computer and effortlessly sorted, with reports that can be generated and shared by hard copy or email at your discretion.
Curatorial consultation and provision of museum quality archival supplies for the proper care, conservation and storage of your collection.
Skillful organization, research and digital scanning of the support documents that qualified appraisers, estate planners, reputable dealers and fine art insurers recognize when evaluating your collection.
Design services and recommendations on the best methods for the display of your collection, as well as referrals for expert support services; such as fine art conservation, installation, transit, customs clearance, fine art lighting and display systems.
To request an initial consultation for proposal:
Office: (717)630-2437
Mobile: (443)547-7550
Email: artcollectorsathenaeum@gmail.com

The Gate at Yunnan Fou by Alix Ayme, Oil on canvas